AI Chatbots vs. Human Agents: Who is the Best For Customer Service?

Hugh O'Neal
August 7, 2024
AI Chatbots Human Agents: Who is the Best For Customer Service?

Task automation allows businesses to optimize internal processes, handle queries effectively, and boost profits. The adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and the subsequent integration of AI into legacy systems facilitates increasing the engagement rate, enhancing the shopping experience, and improving every step of a client’s journey. In this article, we will compare chatbot vs human customer support (CS) to see how enterprises utilize AI to save money, optimize processes, and scale up operations. Read on to discover how AI services allow firms to process large volumes of queries.

What is the Difference Between AI Chatbots and Human Agents?

Almost 40% of clients do not have specific preferences when it comes to choosing between AI-driven tools and regular employees if they receive a well-written reply in time. Thus, the main task is to provide them with relevant responses to queries within the shortest time frame possible.

The effectiveness of traditional human customer service teams is based on the ability to provide context-relevant replies, adhere to regulations, protect privacy, and guide clientele. Nevertheless, AI bots have demonstrated high efficiency in situations when enterprises need to handle a lot of queries without hiring additional staff.

Below, we have briefly outlined the key differences between these two approaches to CS.

AI Chatbot vs Human Customer Service: What Works Best?

Even though AI customer service has many benefits, chatbots require advanced training to better understand emotions and provide empathic responses. Basic models are trained to answer specific queries and have a narrow scope of operations. However, high-quality datasets facilitate the creation of AI solutions capable of processing challenging tasks.

In contrast, human support teams have limitations, as they are unavailable outside regular business hours and may fail to handle an increased amount of queries without delays. Besides, the performance of regular employees may be inconsistent, which causes frustration and results in lower satisfaction levels. This is why it is crucial to discover how to leverage both types of CS services.

How to Make the Most Out of AI Chatbots?

When comparing chatbot vs human agents, it is crucial to consider use cases. Businesses utilize virtual assistants to optimize CS processes, increase engagement, and boost the conversion rate. While there are plenty of pre-built AI models available, it is crucial to customize them to a company’s needs to maximize returns.

AI Chatbot vs Human Customer Service: What Works Best?

Employ these strategies to leverage chatbots:

  • Train AI models using reliable datasets: Improving chatbots based on user feedback allows firms to fine-tune their performance and ensure clients will get context-relevant responses in time.
  • Employ chatbots across multiple channels: Buyers appreciate a chance to contact a business using preferred communication tools.
  • Use digital assistants to convert leads to sales: By guiding clients through all the steps of an ordering process, firms increase the number of first-time and return purchases.

Chatbots provide personalized support, contributing to a higher engagement rate. Automating tasks enables businesses to save money and address queries efficiently.

Benefits of Human CS Teams

Enhanced customer experience(CX) requires paying attention to client needs. As a lot of people still enjoy conversing with human agents, employing them enables firms to build trust in a brand. Traditional CS departments have multiple advantages:

  • Ability to handle difficult queries: Experienced agents can solve the most complex technical tasks and provide solutions to unique problems.
  • Increased satisfaction: Detecting the first signs of a worsening mood enables agents to promptly address clients’ concerns and provide incentives.
  • Compliance: Even though chatbots can be taught to follow regulations, it might be challenging to estimate whether they have inherent biases.

Employees understand their responsibility for maintaining privacy and cannot accidentally disclose sensitive information.

How to Combine AI Chatbots and Human CS Agents?

By integrating automated customer support solutions with traditional systems, businesses streamline the solution of repetitive tasks and facilitate problem-solving, fostering stronger relationships with clientele. Using agents and chatbots simultaneously allows enterprises to minimize response times and boost the satisfaction rate.

Here are some examples of how both these types of CS are used across different industries:

  • E-commerce and retail: As people typically ask standard questions about shipping and refunds, chatbots can escalate issues to regular staff when necessary.
  • Finance: Banks and other organizations employ AI tools to process 90% of queries. At the same time, hiring staff allows them to adhere to data protection regulations and provide face-to-face consultations using videoconferencing platforms.
  • Healthcare: Employing trained health professionals enables companies to alleviate customer worries and discuss symptoms, while chatbots streamline appointment scheduling and make it easier for clients to order prescribed medicine.
  • Contact centers: Whether a person prefers to use AI or human chat, getting relevant responses across multiple channels is one of the cornerstones of high client satisfaction. Using generative AI tools, agents write detailed responses more quickly, discover necessary resources in a knowledge base, transcribe calls, and perform other tasks. In addition, AI bots provide personalized recommendations based on the history of past interactions.

AI solutions allow employees to focus on top-priority tasks. However, integrating AI with classic CS systems requires using performance metrics to measure ROI. Be sure to track the following:

  • First contact resolution rate;
  • Average handle time;
  • The number of escalation cases.

Prioritizing the needs of clientele is necessary if a company wants to establish long-term relationships with its customers.


This chatbot vs human CS team comparison demonstrates that integrating AI solutions into traditional systems has tangible advantages. AI tools are better when it comes to automating tasks, solving issues 24/7, and providing personalized responses. Employing AI enables businesses to establish a strong presence on the market and gain the trust of clientele. Adding humans to the loop facilitates achieving full regulatory compliance and solving the most challenging issues. As upgrading legacy systems may be arduous, MetaDialog experts build custom AI models trained in accordance with client’s requirements. Get in touch with our team and augment customer experience by leveraging recent technologies.